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Physical Accessibility Statement (ADA)

There are limited accessible features available at the present time at Seashell Suites Resort however, we strive to meet the standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and continue to make improvements to the property when possible.  We have recently completed the removal of all wood pathways on the property and replaced them with paver stones making mobility around the property more useable for persons utilizing walkers or as use wheelchairs on the grounds.

We are not ADA compliant, but are handicap friendly in many areas of the property.  As our building was constructed out of solid concrete in the early 1960’s in addition to the walls between each unit being concrete, and being a small facility of only 8 units, the building is not compliant in terms of doorways and sizes to accommodate an adult wheelchair inside each suite or the washroom facilities.  We do however have several persons with mobility issues who stay with us year after year.  Our pool deck is elevated by 5 steps from ground level and our beach is 5 steps lower than our ocean deck as we are located directly on the beach.  Our parking lot is all on ground level, and the walkway to each suite, and the pathway to the Tiki Grill area and property in general are all on ground level, persons with mobility issues may be able to stay with us and enjoy our location and facilities depending on their individual needs. 

All our Suites are the same and none of them are ADA compliant.

Please call us at 321-409-0500 or email us at for information and to discuss your individual needs if we might be able to accommodate your specific requirements.

We recognize that every individual is unique and that it may be impossible to cover all access situations or personal needs in one statement. Should you have additional questions or wish to discuss features further, you may email or call our office for individual assistance tailored to your personal access needs. We will do our best to accommodate each guest.  Thank you very much.