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Did You Know…Seashell Suites Is Low Allergy and Eco Friendly

Seashell Suites Resort is located on a beautiful barrier Island in the southern midcoast of Florida, on the Atlantic Ocean.  In 2014, Melbourne Beach, Palm Bay and Titusville, were named as having the cleanest air quality in all of the United States.  Melbourne Beach also has the saltiest air in North America, the 3rd salties in the world making this a great location for asthma.  The low density of population, nature preserve area of eco tourism, combined with the salty and clean air, give a great boost to those looking to heal up from recent lifes events.  Post surgery, post chemo, a healthy getaway…Seashell Suites has shown itself to be a lovely environment to relax and breathe deep the saltiest and cleanest air in America.  Asdditionally, our eco friendly suites are kept low allergy with solid building materials of tile, granite and cement, no particle board of off gassing materials or strong scented cleaners utilized.  Many guests have found the environment most suitable for staying when seeking medical treatment in the area, or recovering from medical procedures.  Please call us for specific information about your needs.