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Post Hurricane Conditions

Florida has been hit hard by recent storms and hurricanes.  The southwest coast has been demolished, and here on the Space Coast three properties on the beach in hospitality have been closed due to erosion and exposure to collapse on the beach.  We are happy to report that Seashell Suites has been untouched by these events as we are so close to the Sebastian Inlet which deposits sand and silt on our beach twice a day with the sand as the intracoastal waterway rushes out to sea just to our south at Sebastian Inlet State Park.  Our double dune is high and protective of our property, and we never receive any erosion that is not replaced quickly with the next tides.  We actually gained beach during the Ian hurricane.  All is well at Seashells, and we have replaced our fences, our walkways and BBQ tiki after years of salt corrosion.  Come and take a look at our improvements at Florida’s finest boutique beach property.